The 2019 Kansas Legislative Session convened on Monday, January 14. Check back here for updates on bills, upcoming events, and other information the ACLU of Kansas is watching during this legislative session. To find out your legislators so you can contact them, visit https://ksleglookup.org. Learn more about our legislative priorities here.
Bills We Support
- HB 2003: Creates the limited driver's license and identification card for certain individuals, such as undocumented immigrants.
- HB 2009: Changes the designation of Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.
- HB 2015: Repeals state contract requirements regarding anti-Israel boycotts.
- HB 2018: Repeals prosecutorial powers for the secretary of state. *UPDATE*: Establishes sentencing reform commission.
- HB 2019: Changes election crime laws.
- HB 2022: Minimum wage; enacting the Kansas working families pay raise act.
- HB 2039: Extending recognition of tribal court judgments pursuant to supreme court rules.
- HB 2042: Removes the authority of the secretary of state to prosecute election crimes and mandates reporting to the attorney general.
- HB 2045: Allowing use of certified drug abuse treatment programs for certain offenders convicted of unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances.
- HB 2047: Changing the criminal penalties for certain drug crimes.
- HB 2050: Amending available sanctions for violation of condition of postrelease supervision
- HB 2051: Amending the requirements for offender registration.
- HB 2067: Providing for audio and video broadcasts of legislative meetings.
- HB 2079: Removing the spousal exception from sexual battery.
- HB 2089: Enacting the Kansas death with dignity act.
- HB 2090: Voter registration; departments of aging and disability services; children and families; labor and state board of education.
- HB 2091: Allowing early voting in person at least 10 days prior to an election.
- HB 2092: Allowing voter registration on election day.
- HB 2107: Requiring full reimbursement for contraceptive prescriptions.
- HB 2130: Amending the Kansas act against discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.
- HB 2163: Providing for the legal use of medical cannabis.
- HB 2164: Repeals so-called Adoption Protect Act.
- HB 2189: Elections; voting provisional ballot allowed when voter moves to a new county without reregistering.
- HB 2191: Amending the procedure for execution of a search warrant for electronically stored information.
- HB 2193: Requiring assets seized pursuant to the Kansas standard asset seizure and forfeiture act to be returned upon acquittal.
- HB 2211: Allowing judges to waive or reduce driver's license reinstatement fees.
- HB 2220: Free state election act; eliminate proof of citizenship; same day registration and voting; other.
- HB 2259: Ban the Box - Providing for fair consideration for employment to persons with records of conviction.
- HB 2268: Removing sodomy between consenting members of the same sex from criminal sodomy
- HB 2270: Removing opposite-sex requirement for unlawful voluntary sexual relations.
- HB 2376: Authorizing amendments to a registrant's birth certificate when there is a change in the registrant's sex.
- HB 2282, SB 21: Abolishing the death penalty and creating the crime of aggravated murder.
- HB 2303: Medical cannabis.
- HB 2350: Removing felony violation of possession, cultivation and distribution of marijuana.
- HB 2376: Authorizing amendments to a registrant's birth certificate when there is a change in the registrant's sex.
- SB 43: Implements Election Day Registration.
- SB 87: Allowing certain persons with suspended drivers' licenses to enter into amnesty agreements with the district court.
- SB 129: Allow voters to vote at any polling place within a county if approved by the county election officer.
- SB 130: Permit persons voting an advance ballot to correct a signature deficiency prior to the final canvass.
- SB 159: Automating voter registration through DMV license applications.
- SB 163: Requiring health insurance coverage for contraceptives.
Bills We Oppose
- HB 2021: Establishes term limits for state officials such as treasurer and insurance commissioner.
- HB 2274: Requiring notification to patients that the effects of a medication abortion may be reversible.
- HB 2288: Creating the Kansas student and educator freedom of religious speech act.
- HB 2318: Constitutional restrictions on taxpayer funding for abortions
- HB 2320: Enacting the marriage and constitution restoration act
- HB 2321: Creating the optional elevated marriage act
- HB 2355: Granting federal law enforcement officers who work with state task forces arrest authority.
- HCR 5001: Constitutional amendment; term limits for the secretary of state and attorney general
- HCR 5003: Constitutional amendment; term limits; legislators.
- HCR 5004: Proposition to amend section 1 of the Kansas bill of rights regarding equal rights for all human life.
Other Bills We're Watching
- SB 3: Establishes that election commissioners of large counties to be appointed by board of county commissioners instead of by secretary of state.
- HB 2049: Increasing felony loss thresholds for certain property crimes.
- HB 2227: Prohibiting the use of conversion therapy unless it is administered by a leader or official of any religious denomination as part of counseling services.
- HB 2022: Minimum wage; enacting the Kansas working families pay raise act.