March 25, 2025

ACLU of Kansas reacts to state legislature’s attack on right to vote 

SB 4, passed by veto override, will eliminate the 3-day window for mail processing of eligible votes  

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 

CONTACT: Esmie Tseng, ACLU of Kansas,, 913-484-6270 

TOPEKA, KAN. – On Tuesday, the Kansas House made complete the legislature’s override of Governor Kelly’s veto of SB 4, which will eliminate the three-day mail processing window for mail-in ballots. The Senate voted to override earlier in the day.  

In response, Micah Kubic, ACLU of Kansas Executive Director, shared the following: 

““Lawmakers’ override of Governor Kelly’s veto comes only after some members flipped their votes under pressure on the floor. It is truly a shame that leadership used its influence for the purpose of making fewer Kansans’ votes count. Just last week this same body claimed we must subject the Supreme Court to partisan elections in order to hear from voters—and yet today they silence those same voters by passing SB 4 into law.

Counting thousands of ballots carefully and accurately takes time – and it should. This legislation is out of touch with the reality that Kansans live and simply weakens Kansas’s democracy by punishing voters for postal delays. Everyday Kansans know that the mail requires time to arrive, especially in rural parts of the state, and that mail ballots are crucial for thousands of rural, disabled, and elderly Kansas voters to exercise their right to vote.” 

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 About the ACLU of Kansas: The ACLU of Kansas is the statewide affiliate of the national American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU of Kansas is dedicated to preserving and advancing the civil rights and legal freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For more information, visit our website at