January 1, 2025

The ACLU of Kansas is never busier than when the Legislature is in session. Whether independently or with our partners in diverse coalitions spanning across the state, we work to defend, protect, and expand civil liberties for all Kansans through the legislative process.

Follow along here on our 2025 Legislative Hub, where we'll include weekly recaps, key bill summaries, toolkits, and more.

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2025 Bills

1. Criminal Legal Reform:

A.Criminal Legal Reform:

  • SB 30: Criminal History Check
    • Requiring the secretary of labor to conduct a state and national criminal history record check on employees who have access to federal tax information received directly from the internal revenue service.
  • HB 2179: Juvenile Fines & Fees
    • Children and minors; relating to the revised Kansas juvenile justice code; prohibiting fines, fees and costs from being assessed against a juvenile or a juvenile's parent, guardian or custodian.
  • HB 2228: ID & Employment Before Release
    • Requiring the secretary to assist inmates with obtaining identification and employment related documentation prior to release from custody.
  • HB 2227: Prohibitng Prone Restraints
    • Prohibiting the use of any prone restraint on a juvenile who is in custody at a juvenile detention facility or juvenile correctional facility or being assessed as part of the juvenile intake and assessment system.
  • HB 2224: Uniformed When Executing Search Warrant
    • Crimes, punishment and criminal procedure; relating to search and seizure; requiring a law enforcement officer executing a search warrant to be properly uniformed and announce their presence before entering.
  • HB 2325: Juveniles and Probation Violation
    • Authorizing judges to commit juvenile offenders to detention for technical violations of probation, increasing the cumulative detention limit for juvenile offenders and increasing criminal penalties for juvenile offenders who use a firearm in the commission of an offense or who are repeat offenders.
  • HB 2354: Medical Marijuana
    • Providing an exception to the crime of unlawful possession of controlled substances for residents of Kansas who possess marijuana and are disabled veterans with a valid medical marijuana card issued by any state.

2. DEI:


  • HB 2299: Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Religion
    • Prohibiting discriminatory practices on the basis of religion at public educational institutions and authorizing the Attorney General to investigate violations and assess civil penalties under the Kansas act against discrimination.

3. Immigration:



4. LGBTQ+ Issues:

A.LGBTQ+ Issues:

  • SB 63: Anti Gender Affirming Care
    • This bill strips Kansas children of their right to seek gender affirming care and allows for civil action against providers who provide gender affirming care to young patients.
  • HB 2071: Anti Gender Affirming Care Bill
    • This bill strips Kansas children of their right to seek gender affirming care and allows for civil action against providers who provide gender affirming care to young patients.
  • SB 76: Biological Name/Gender in Schools
    • Requiring employees of school districts and postsecondary educational institutions to use the name and pronouns consistent with a student's biological sex and birth certificate and authorizing a cause of action for violations therefor.
  • HB 2311: Right to Discriminate Against Foster Youth
    • Prohibiting the secretary from adopting and enforcing policies for placement, custody or appointment of a custodian that may conflict with sincerely held religious or moral beliefs regarding sexual orientation or gender identity; creating a right of action for violations.

5. Reproductive Rights:

A.Reproductive Rights:

  • HB 2009: Abortion Ban, Except for Life of the Mother
    • Prohibiting abortion procedures except when necessary to save the life of the pregnant person and providing a private cause of action for civil enforcement of such prohibition.
  • HB 2010: Total Abortion Ban
    • Prohibiting abortion procedures and creating the crimes of unlawful performance of an abortion and unlawful destruction of a fertilized embryo.
  • HB 2171: Criminalizing ALL Abortions
    • The bill would criminalize all abortions in all circumstance, including rape, incest, fatal fetal abnormality. It also disregards risk of death of the pregnant person.
  • HB 2062: Child Support for Fetuses
    • The language of this bill reads: "Providing for child support orders for unborn children from the date of conception."
  • HB 2216: Abortion Laws Video Bill
    • Requiring the Kansas department of health and environment to create an informational video describing abortion laws in Kansas and services available for pregnant women experiencing life-threatening or health-threatening medical conditions.
  • SB 67: Prohibiting Nurses from Proscribing Drugs to Induce Abortion
    • Authorizing registered nurse anesthetists to engage in independent practice and prescribe drugs and prohibiting registered nurse anesthetists from performing an abortion or prescribing drugs to induce an abortion.

6. Voting Rights:

A.Voting Rights:


7. Other:


  • SB 19: Concientious Right to Refuse Act
    • Enacting the conscientious right to refuse act to prohibit discrimination against individuals who refuse medical care and creating a civil cause of action based on such discrimination and revoking the authority of the secretary of health and environment to quarantine individuals and impose associated penalties.
  • HCR 5008: Legislative Oversight of Executive Branch
    • Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for legislative oversight of rules and regulations adopted by executive branch agencies and officials.
  • SCR 1611: Judicial Selection Amendment
    • Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for direct election of supreme court justices and abolish the supreme court nominating commission.

For any and all inquires email [email protected].