Legislative Update: Weeks 8 & 9

As the legislature begins to wind down over the next several weeks before the veto period, there have been fewer bills moving through the legislative process due to a targeted focus of the supermajority to accomplish their legislative agenda. Over the past two weeks, the ACLU of Kansas has focused on blocking several key bills involving voting rights and the Kansas Supreme Court. This week’s update includes an in depth analysis of several important pieces of legislation as we begin to close out the legislative session.
Judicial Selection of the Kansas Supreme Court
SCR1611: The Senate Concurrent Resolution would seek to change the way Kansas Supreme Court Justices are selected and retained.
Current Process: Currently, a nominating commission, made up of qualified lawyers and civic leaders nominate three candidates for a vacant seat on the Kansas Supreme Court, and the governor chooses one of the candidates for the appointment.
Proposed Changes: SCR1611 would eliminate the nominating commission and allow for direct partisan elections to be held for a position on the Kansas Supreme Court. This change would allow politics to infiltrate the Kansas Supreme Court. Supporters of the amendment openly admit that they want to change the process to be able to ban abortion, limit voting rights, and attack other constitutional rights.
Current Status: This amendment has passed will be placed on the ballot at the 2026 primary election.
Take Action: Start preparing yourself for the 2026 elections where we will see this constitutional amendment on the ballot. Have conversations with you neighbors and loved ones about the implications of this amendment on reproductive and civil rights.
Voting Rights
SB 4: This bill would eliminate the 3-day mail processing window, disenfranchising thousands of Kansas voters, especially voters in rural areas or who have disabilities or other limitations in movement.
Current Process: Mail-in ballots are able to arrive 3-days past election day and still be counted, as long as they were postmarked by the deadline for mail-in ballots. The 3-day window is in place to account for postal delays, or processing timing that can occur with the United Stats Postal Service, especially during high volume time periods such as election season.
Proposed Changes: SB 4 would eliminate the mail processing window, punishing Kansans who did everything they were supposed to while filling out their ballot, by throwing it out due to an uncontrollable mail delay.
Areas of Concern: Individuals who count on mail in ballots, such as elderly or disabled individuals who might not have access to transportation as well as those who are out of residence for college, or have recently moved, rely on mail-in ballots to make their voices heard. By eliminating the 3-day processing window, their votes are more likely to be thrown out due to measures beyond their control.
Current Status: SB 4 passed both the house and Senate has been presented to the Governor. The Governor has 10-days to pass it, or veto it, which would send the bill back to both chambers requiring a 2/3rd’s majority to override.
Take Action: Contact your legislator and tell them to sustain the veto on SB 4 by clicking here.
As the session begins to wind down, our focus in stopping these critical pushes against civil liberties and the best interests of Kansans. Continue to follow our legislative hub for more details and updates throughout the next couple weeks.
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