Wow! What a year for community power building we had in 2019. With your support, we held almost 200 meetings, phone banks, training sessions, and actions with over 2,000 attendees participating across the state. Thank you for lending a hand to fight for civil rights and liberties in Kansas!
As you know, 2020 could have significant implications, both electorally and legislatively. But our work together does not live and die for the November election – we must show up powerfully and consistently the entire year to build a Kansas we're proud of. In 2020, I invite you to renew your commitment to the work by setting a new year's resolution to engage even more with us, all year long. Your first opportunity is just around the corner – Lobby Days at the State Capitol.
Show up and kick off the 2020 Legislative session.
Along with our partners in the Kansans for Smart Justice Coalition, we will host a lobby day on Monday, January 27 starting at 10 a.m. (sign-in/breakfast at 9:30 a.m.) at the State Capitol. We will ask legislators to pass the Smart Justice Act!
With our partners in the Kansas Coalition for Citizen Participation, we will be hosting a lobby day on Tuesday, February 4 starting at 9 a.m. (sign-in/breakfast at 8:30 a.m.) at the State Capitol focusing on strengthening citizen participation in Kansas in advance of the 2020 elections.
Both lobby days will begin with a gathering to build relationships with fellow volunteers from across Kansas, a briefing to bring you up to speed on the legislative priorities, and training to set you up for success with best practices for talking with your legislators. Friends and family are welcome to join, so please spread the word!
Ellen Glover
Field Director, ACLU of Kansas